Tuesday, March 2, 2010

All travel and no writing makes this blog a dull read

We have been woefully neglectful of our blog for far too long. We have heard the pleas of our devoted readers (ok, a few friends and family), and will do our best to catch you up on our whereabouts for the last 6 weeks or so. So many things have happened since we last wrote from Kampala, Uganda. Here‘s a quick overview; more detailed posts and pictures are coming soon (we promise!):
  • We spent an amazing New Year’s in the Serengeti (Tanzania): lions and leopards and hot air balloons, oh my!
  • Rich celebrated his 31st birthday in Nairobi, Kenya.
  • We made our way across Uganda visiting Jinja and Kampala on the way to beautiful and remote Lake Bunyoni. En route we had the craziest 12-hour bus ride of our world tour thus far.
  • Kigali, Rwanda awed us and we spent an amazing day trekking to see mountain gorillas.
  • Continent-hopping around the world to celebrate our friends’ John and Tricia’s wedding, our flight plan went like this: Nairobi to Doha, Qatar to Hong Kong to Taiwan to Los Angeles to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Phew. Then back to Hong Kong.
  • Hong Kong: still got a crick in our necks from looking up (and the rock hard beds).
  • Began our Southeast Asia tour in Bangkok, Thailand and are now enjoying the cooler mountain air in Chiang Rai, Thailand.   Next stop: Laos.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to get an update!! Thinking about you two often!
